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Auto Accident Part 2 – Soft-tissue Injuries

Pain from Auto Accident

In a previous post we talked about what to do in the case of an a car accident. Now, we’ll address the most common injuries that can potentially occur in an accident.

Before we get into it, it is important to note is that the pain a patient feels does not necessarily correlate with the extent of an injury.

Often an accident results in soft tissues injuries of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Soft tissues are considered connective tissue, muscle tissue, and tissue of the nervous system. Connective tissue is made up of tendons, ligaments and fascia. The ligaments connect bone to bone, tendons connect muscle to bone or muscle to muscle, and fascia interweaves organs and muscles.

Optimal muscle function allows optimal motion. When soft tissues are damaged in a car accident often they contract or stretch causing muscle strains and/or muscle sprains.

Nerve impulses travel over the tissues of the central nervous system.The nervous system is essential in bodily communications – receiving or transmitting impulses. In an auto accident muscle strains and sprains are a common type of injury and when a muscle injury occurs the nerves can be impacted as well.

Muscle strain refers to damage to muscle and can result with overstress or acute injury. Strains are usually classified according to severity: mild, moderate or severe. When a severe strain occurs, it can result in significant weakness, ongoing pain and reduced function.

For strains, muscle tissue involvement, reduced function and perhaps some tearing of muscle fibers, a treatment approach could be ice, physical modalities, rehab and chiropractic adjustments as an effective, conservative approach.

Failure to seek appropriate treatment may potentially lead to myofascial fibrosis (muscle tightness) and chronic problems including adhesions or muscle weaknesses. The adhesions form as a result of chronic inflammation.

Muscle sprainrefers to an injury to a ligament or damage to ligament attachments. Ligaments prevent abnormal movement, but allow normal movement. An abnormal movement injury will result in a sprain. Hyperflexion/hyperextension injury to the cervical spine is an example of an abnormal movement of the neck that can occur in a car accident, aka – whiplash. Without adequate treatment scar tissue can form and/or ligament instability/laxity can eventually become chronic and contribute to future degenerative joint disease (DJD), or cause the patient to be prone to future exacerbations because of the lax ligaments.

As with muscle strains, muscle sprains can be classified as mild, moderate and/or severe, too.

Spinal subluxation can also occur during a car accident causing possible neurological and joint irritation resulting in pain. Typically pain is present during the acute phase following an auto injury due to swelling and inflammation. Subluxation can result in a myriad of problems for the patient. Spinal manipulation to address spinal subluxations are the crux of chiropractic treatment allowing for restoration of joint mobility.

Chiropractors are experts in treating strains, sprains, subluxations, and the neurophysiology of pain as a result of accidental injuries. They are specifically trained to determine the cause of your musculoskeletal pain and any referred pain. Your chiropractor can make an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate recommendations for treatment.

With years of experience treating accidental injuries, Dr. Moramarco will explain and demonstrate, visually, your accident injuries so you can understand. He will explain treatment options  – without drugs or surgery – and get you on the road to recovery after your accident.


Dr. Marc Moramarco has a long-track record of helping Woburn and metro Boston area residents heal from auto injuries. His years of experience can help you recover from your injuries too. If you need help for your accidental injury, please call us at 781-938-8558.

For a Checklist for what to do after a car accident link here:

Auto Accident Checklist


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